March 2021
We hope everyone has had a successful start to 2021 and wish everyone a happy, safe, fun-filled Easter break.
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April School Holiday Intensive
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this break in treatment for your child, please reach out to Ash or Alice to discuss your regular appointments.
For those attending the intensive, we look forward to seeing you at the Capoeira CDO studio on Selby Street, Osborne Park.
As we are leasing the studio for the 2 weeks, we have limited access to storage. For families wishing to utilise equipment, such as gait trainers during this period, these will be required to be brought in on a daily basis. We apologise in advance for the inconvenience and we are working hard on developing our own clinic space for future intensive blocks!
To assist us in matching invoices with payments as they come through and reducing the chance of mistakes happening, we kindly ask that invoice numbers be placed in your payment description. This way we can also ensure any outstanding invoices are matched with your payments to improve your ease of claiming from NDIS, and cross-checking if there are any mistakes.
School Holiday Ideas
School holidays can be a great time to try new and different activities. We have been busy searching the internet for great blogs that may give you some fun ideas to try in the holidays.
We love the idea of using floating balloons and grabbers to help pick objects up from difficult to reach places. Using filled plastic eggs with a magnet inside and a pole with a magnet attached to increase the ease of picking up the eggs is also a great idea while audible beeping eggs are helpful for children who may have visual challenges when on their egg hunt.

Outdoor Activities
April school holidays are not tooooooo hot, not toooooo cold but JUST RIGHT for getting outdoors.
Below are some accessible, outdoor activities scheduled for the school holidays! If you know of any events or activities happening in your community, please feel free to let us know so we can share it with the families of Little Bodies Therapy.
- Young carers family picnic - for children age 8 - 25 years
- Family friendly Easter events – search for your local area. Please note, some of these may not be accessible.
- Fishing with FishAbility
- All abilities Playgrounds