Little Bodies Therapy offer fun, holistic physiotherapy services for babies, children and teens. Interventions are tailored based on your child’s presentation, child and family goals, and evidence-based practice.
Common concerns or areas we can assist include:
- Neurological conditions such as Cerebral Palsy and Acquired Brain Injuries,
- Gross motor delay in infants and toddlers including development of skills such as rolling, crawling, sitting, walking, stairs, running and jumping,
- Gross motor development and coordination issues,
- Children demonstrating reduced balance including regular falls,
- Developmental delay associated with genetic conditions such as Down Syndrome or Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Movement disorders including dyspraxia and developmental coordination disorders
- Gait abnormalities including in-toeing, toe walking and knock knees,
- Physical activity strategies for children with Autism, Intellectual Disability or Visual Impairment.

Physiotherapy for babies, children, and teens can help improve:
- Joint movement,
- Muscle strength and endurance,
- Muscle control,
- Gross motor performance,
- Walking patterns,
- Functional skills including transfers or use of stairs,
- Balance,
- Coordination,
- Posture,
- Sport-related skills,
- Pain management,
- Achievement of gross motor skills through equipment prescription.
The Little Bodies Therapy team physiotherapists are also CME Level I and II Certified Practitioners. Find out more about Cuevas Medek Exercises (CME Therapy) and see if it would be beneficial for your child here.